
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2020

song: Do you like...

Let´s learn more vocabulary food Now you can practice with this  activit y1,  activity 2 ,  ACTIVITY 3 ,  Activity 4

Interactive games: toys

Listen and choose the correct word.  toys game  1 Look and label the picture  toys game 2

Memory Game: TOYS


craft: build a robot

 Cut the pieces and put them together with a split-pin robot

game: matching pairs colours

game: order the numbers

video quiz: ICE AGE past simple

video quiz: the gingerbread man

BREAKOUT game: escape room

Jeopardy game

English! English! English! Jeopardy Template

kahoot: types of TV programmes

Hi kids!! Now that we have to stay at home I hope you are kind of an expert on TV programmes. Here you can play with this pin kahoot

video quiz: TOYS

Complete the quiz while watching the video.

game: label the food

kahoot: food

Hi Kids! in this entry you can play a game we just played once in the computer class and you enjoyed a lot. I hope you like this one. HAVE FUN!! KAHOOT

Kahoot: Present continuous

hello fourth graders!! Are you up for a  game? I hope you enjoy this kahoot


Watch the video and complete the quiz.

Game: describing actions

game: millionaire quiz

Let´s check how well you know the irregular verbs

game: find the pairs

let´s review the irregular verbs list: match the PAST SIMPLE and PAST PARTICIPLE

video quiz: fortnite

fill in the gaps while watching the video

song: Do you like....?

Hi kids! Since you are working on food vocabulary let´s sing this catchy song. I hope everybody sings along!!!

Video quiz: who took the cookie?

let´s review the farm animals.  

video quiz

watch and complete the quiz while listening

video quiz: body parts

watch the video and complete the quiz while listening.

video quiz: was, were

Watch this funny video and complete the quiz while listening.

recommended webs and apps

british council This is a web for primary and infantil children where you can find activities to work on different skills( grammar, writing, games,...).   eslgames plus A very usuful web with plenty of resources for infantil and primary students.     cBeebies It is  BBC show that helps kids to learn through the English sounds. In the web there are a lot of resources: games, worksheets, videos,..